Address: Na Václavce 1799/15, Prague 5, Smíchov, (2009)
Born 17. 05. 1926
Last residence before deportation: Prague XVI
Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XVI, Na Václavce 15
Transport AAv, no. 422 (30. 07. 1942, Prague -> Terezín)
Transport Bb, no. 222 (20. 08. 1942, Terezín -> Riga)
Alena Rohatynová was born on 17 May 1926. Her mother was Irma Rohatynová. Her last address before deportation was Prague XVI, Na Václavce 15. On 30 July 1942, she and her mother were deported from Prague to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport AAv. Her transport number was 422 of 1,001. On 20 August 1942 she and her mother were deported to Riga by transport Bb, Train Da 402. Her transport number was now 222. None of the 1,001 Jews on this transport survived the Shoah.