Umístění: K JÍZDÁRNĚ 9/20, PRAHA 9, Koloděje
Narozena 06. 11. 1865
Poslední bydliště před deportací: Koloděje
Adresa/místo registrace v Protektorátu: Uhříněves
Transport Bg, č. 643 (12. 09. 1942, Praha -> Terezín)
Transport Bv, č. 1662 (15. 10. 1942, Terezín -> Treblinka)
Karolína Ascherová, née Klauberová, married into the prominent commercial Ascher family. In the 1800’s and into the 20th century members of the family owned shops selling fabric, haberdashery and also groceries, in Prague, Říčany and Koloděje.
Her husband was Leopold Ascher (1858-1920), the second son of Barbara and Josef Ascher. In the mid 19th century Josef Ascher had opened the first ever fabric shop in Prague and probably also ran a grocery shop in Koloděje, at No. 31 U Kosinů Street, where they lived. In 1905 Leopold and Karolína bought a farmhouse near Leopold’s birthplace and settled there permanently. This building now houses the Prague-Koloděje Municipal Office. They had three children, only two of them lived to adulthood. Leopold died in 1920, but Karolína continued to live in the house into World War II. On the 8th of September 1942 she was taken from Koloděje, deported to Terezín on September 12th and on October 15th transported to the Treblinka extermination camp, where she, together with others, was murdered immediately after leaving the train.
After 1948, the house became the property of the municipality and the seat of the Municipal Council of the MIA, since 1989 the Prague-Koloděje Municipal Council.
Her adult children did not learn about their mother’s death in Treblinka until after the war. Daughter Zdeňka Ascherová Kohnová had left for Palestine with her husband and children in March 1939. She died in 1984. Son Arnošt (Ernst) Ascher emigrated to Paris before the war. He was a painter, and also dealt in African and Oriental art and antiques, which he supplied to Pablo Picasso and Amedeo Modigliani, both of whom he befriended.