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Address: Praha 1, Thunovská 197/17 (2012) Artur Lasch was born on 29 May 1881 in Česká Lípa. He became a chemist and achieved a doctorate. His last address before deportation was Thunovská 17 in Prague. On 30 January 1942 he was deported with Transport V from Prague to Theresienstadt concentration ...

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Umístění: Prague 1, Břehová 4/202, Josefov, (2010) Berta Krumpelesová was born on 28 January 1859. Her last residence in Prague before deportation was Břehová 4. On 20 July 1942 she was deported with transport AAs to Theresienstadt concentration camp. Her transport number was 420. She lost her life in Theresienstadt. ...

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Address: Praha 8, Sokolovská 30/59 Emma Krausová was born on 11 March 1875. She was married to Josef Kraus. The last residence of the couple before deportation was in Prague X, Královská 30 (today Sokolovská). On 20 July 1942, Emma Krausová and her husband were deported from Prague to Theresienstadt ...

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Address: Praha 8, Sokolovská 30/59 Josef Kraus was born on 6 September 1876. He was married to Emma. The last residence of the couple before deportation was in Prague X, Královská 30 (today Sokolovská). On 20 July 1942, Josef Kraus and his wife were deported from Prague to Theresienstadt concentration ...

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Address: Praha 1, Na Poříčí 1040, naproti bočnímu vchodu do nákupního centra Paladium, v chodníku před domem (2012) Inscription: ZDE ŽIL JIŘÍ KRÁSA, NAR. 1927 DEPORTOVÁN 1941 DO TEREZÍNA, ZAVRAŽDĚN 1942 V RIZE Born 18. 12. 1927 Last residence before deportation: Prague II Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague II, ...

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Address: Praha 1, Na Poříčí 1040, naproti bočnímu vchodu do nákupního centra Paladium, v chodníku před domem (2012) Inscription: ZDE ŽILA IRMA KRÁSOVÁ, NAR. 1898 DEPORTOVÁNA 1941 DO TEREZÍNA, ZAVRAŽDĚNA 1942 V RIZE Born 24. 09. 1898 Last residence before deportation: Prague II Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague II, ...

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Address: Praha 1, Na Poříčí 1040, naproti bočnímu vchodu do nákupního centra Paladium, v chodníku před domem (2012) Inscription: ZDE ŽIL OTA KRÁSA, NAR. 1897 DEPORTOVÁN 1941 DO TEREZÍNA, ZAVRAŽDĚN 1942 V RIZE Born 08. 02. 1897 Last residence before deportation: Prague II Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague ...

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Address: Prague 1, Haštalská 11/790, Staré město, (2010) Inscription: ZDE BYDLELA IRMA KOHNOVÁ ROZ. ROUBÍČKOVÁ, NAR. 1883 DEPORTOVÁNA 1942 DO TEREZÍNA, ZAVRAŽDĚNA V SOBIBORU Born 25. 08. 1883 Last residence before deportation: Prague I Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague I, Haštalská 11 Transport At, no. 951 (07. 05. 1942, ...

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Address: Prague 1, Haštalská 11/790, Staré město, (2010) Inscription: ZDE BYDLEL ROBERT KOHN, NAR. 1880 DEPORTOVÁN 1942 DO TEREZÍNA, ZAVRAŽDĚN V SOBIBORU Born 05. 05. 1880 Last residence before deportation: Prague I Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague I, Haštalská 11 Transport At, no. 952 (07. 05. 1942, Prague ...

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Address: Prague 1, Senovážné náměstí 12/1986, Nové Město, v chodníku před domem (2008) Inscription: ZDE BYDLELA MARIANA KOPECKÁ, NAR. 1888 DEPORTOVÁNA 1941 DO TEREZÍNA, ZAVRAŽDĚNA V OSVĚTIMI Born 24. 09. 1888 Last residence before deportation: Prague II Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague II, Bredovská 12/913 Transport N, no. 982 ...

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