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Address: Praha 1, Michalská 21/435, v chodníku před domem (2011) Born 25. 08. 1891 Last residence before deportation: Unhošť Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Unhošť Transport Z, no. 123 (26. 02. 1942, Kladno -> Terezín) Transport By, no. 320 (26. 10. 1942, Terezín -> Auschwitz) Murdered

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Address: Praha 1, Michalská 21/435, v chodníku před domem (2011) Inscription: ZDE ŽILA MATYLDA HASTERLÍKOVÁ, NAR. 1872 DEPORTOVÁNA 1942 DO TEREZÍNA, ZAVRAŽDĚNA 1942 TAMTÉŽ Born 17. 12. 1872 Last residence before deportation: Prague I Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague I, Michalská 21 Transport Cc, no. 228 (20. 11. 1942, ...

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Address: Praha 1, Michalská 21/435, (2011) Born 02. 03. 1881 Last residence before deportation: Prague I Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague I, Michalská 21 Transport AAp, no. 656 (09. 07. 1942, Prague -> Terezín) Transport Bx, no. 634 (22. 10. 1942, Terezín -> Treblinka) Murdered

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Address: Praha 6, U páté baterie 937/42 (2012) Inscription: ZDE ŽIL WILHELM HALPERN, NAR. 1890 DEPORTOVÁN 1940 DO DACHAU, ZAVRAŽDĚN 27.1.1941 V DACHAU Wilhelm Halpern was born on 19 August 1890 in Kopytschynzi in former Galicia. His parents were Isaak Halpern and Marie b. Neumann He studied law, became a lawyer, ...

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Address: Praha 6, Na Zátorce 673/26 Inscription: ZDE BYDLEL HANUŠ HACHENBURG, NAR. 1929 DEPORTOVÁN 1942, DO TEREZÍNA, ZAVRAŽDĚN V OSVĚTIMI Born 12. 07. 1929 Last residence before deportation: Prague XIII Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XII, Belgická 16 Transport Ca, no. 711 (24. 10. 1942, Prague -> Terezín) Transport ...

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Address: Praha 6, Na Zátorce 673/26 Inscription: ZDE ŽIL DR. OTOKAR GUTH, NAR. 1882 DEPORTOVÁN 1943 DO TEREZÍNA, ZAVRAŽDĚN 14.8.1943 TAMTÉŽ Born 09. 05. 1882 Last residence before deportation: Prague I Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague I, Celetná 12 Transport De, no. 538 (05. 07. 1943, Prague -> ...

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Address: Praha 6, Na Zátorce 673/26 Inscription: ZDE ŽILA HERMÍNA GUTHOVÁ, NAR. 1885 DEPORTOVÁNA 1943 DO TEREZÍNA, 1944 OSVĚTIMI, ZAVRAŽDĚNA Born 23. 07. 1885 Last residence before deportation: Prague I Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague I, Celetná 12 Transport De, no. 539 (05. 07. 1943, Prague -> Terezín) ...

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Address: Praha 2, Chodská 3/1140, v chodníku před vchodem do domu, (2009) Inscription: ZDE BYDLEL EMIL GUT, NAR. 1888 DEPORTOVÁN 16.2.1942 DO TEREZÍNA, 1944 OSVĚTIMI, ZAVRAŽDĚN Born 07. 05. 1888 Last residence before deportation: Prague XII Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XII, Grimmova 3 Transport AAr, no. 497 ...

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Address: Praha 1, Široká 118/20, v chodníku před vchodem do domu, (2009) Born 07. 04. 1914 Last residence before deportation: Prague IX Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague V, Josefovská 20 Transport At, no. 957 (07. 05. 1942, Prague -> Terezín) Transport Ax, no. 957 (09. 05. 1942, Terezín ...

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Address: Praha 1, Široká 118/20, v chodníku před vchodem do domu, (2009) Born 15. 02. 1878 Last residence before deportation: Prague V Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague V, Josefovská 20 Transport At, no. 958 (07. 05. 1942, Prague -> Terezín) Transport Ax, no. 958 (09. 05. 1942, Terezín ...

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