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Address: Praha 10, Petrohradská 155/27 (2011) Richard Stránský was born in Mladá Boleslav in 1889. His first name sometimes is also spelled Rickard. He became a merchant and married Marta née Straussová. The couple had a daughter called Margita. On 4 September 1942 he was deported from Prague to Theresienstadt ...

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Address: Praha 10, Petrohradská 155/27 (2011) IMargita Stránská was born in Rumburg on 2 April 1921. Her first name was also spelled Margareta. She was the daughter of Richard Stránský and Marta née Strauss. Prior to Nazi destruction of Czechoslovakia she lived in Rumburg, later on in Mladá Vožice. On 4 ...

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Address: Praha 6, Sukova 559/3, před domem vpravo, (2009) Sonja Spitzová was born on 17 February 1931. Her parents were Ařnost Spitz and Anna b. Picková. The last residential address of the family before deportation was in Prague XIX, Hoferova 3. On 10 December 1941 father, mother and daughter were ...

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Address: Praha 6, Sukova 559/3, (2009) Anna Spitzová was born on 17 February 1902 in Brandýs nad Labem. She was married to Arnošt Spitz, the couple had two daughters, Marie (born 1928) and Sonja (born 1931). The family’s last place of residence before deportation was in Prague XIX, Hoferova 3. ...

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Address: Praha 6, Sukova 559/3, před domem vpravo, (2009) Arnošt Spitz was born on 4 October 1896 in Německý Brod. He was married to Anna b. Picková, the couple had two daughters, Marie (born 1928) and Sonja (born 1931). The last place of residence of the family before deportation was ...

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Address: Prague 1, Bílkova 6/8, v chodníku před domem, (2008) Erich Spalter was born on 10 December 1907. His last address before deportation was Waldhauserova 8. On 30 October 1941 he was deported with transport H from Prague to Theresienstadt concentration camp. His transport number was 465. On 1 April ...

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Address: Praha 1, Klimentská 1444/50 (2012) Inscription: ZDE ŽILA HERMÍNA SLONITZ, ROZ. LASCH, NAR. 1884, DEPORTOVÁNA 1942 DO TEREZÍNA, ZAVRAŽDĚNA V OSVĚTIMI Born 13. 04. 1884 Last residence before deportation: Prague II Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague II, Klimentská 50 Transport AAs, no. 269 (20. 07. 1942, Prague -> ...

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Address: Praha 1, Klimentská 1443/50 (2012) Inscription: ZDE ŽIL HUGO SLONITZ, NAR. 1873, DEPORTOVÁN 1942 DO TEREZÍNA, ZAVRAŽDĚN V OSVĚTIMI Born 25. 03. 1873 Last residence before deportation: Prague II Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague II, Klimentská 50 Transport AAs, no. 270 (20. 07. 1942, Prague -> Terezín) Transport ...

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Address: Praha 7, Ovenecká 330/44 Jiří Schick was born on 15 August 1896 in Benešov. His parents were Moritz Schick ( 1862-1922) and Camilla geb. Schneider (1872-1916). He had two brothers, Arnošt (1898-1915) and Antonin (1901-1930). He was married to Anna Reichner (1896-1939). The couple had at least one daughter, ...

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