Categories ArchivesPraha


Address: Praha 2, Na Bojišti 616/16, v chodníku před vchodem do domu, (2009) Inscription: ZDE BYDLELA OLGA TÖPFEROVÁ, NAR. 1878 DEPORTOVÁNA 1942 DO TEREZÍNA, ZAVRAŽDĚNA Born 15. 11. 1878 Last residence before deportation: Prague II Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague II, Na Bojišti 16/1516 Transport AAp, no. 716 ...

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Address: Praha 6, Čs. armády 406/10, před domem vlevo (2012) Antonie Else Tamler was born in Bukowina in the district of Zastawna in May 1913. Her parents were Abraham Ber Tamler (1876-1933) and Sabine or Sabina b. Neumann (1887-1942). She had three siblings, the brothers Ernst (1911-1977) and Samuel Edward ...

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Address: Praha 3, Libická 1918/6, chodník napravo od vchodu do domu Inscription: ZDE ŽIL JOSEF ŠPERL, NAR. 1890, Born: 14.3.1896 Arested in November 1941, Murdered in January 1942 in MAUTHAUSEN Note: Kameny položeny dne 18. července 2013.

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Address: Praha 1, Karmelitská, 382/14 Přemysl Šámal was born on 4 October 1867 in Prague. After graduating from the Law Faculty of Charles University, he worked as a lawyer as well as in the Museum of the Czech Kingdom. He became an active member of the Czech Progressive Party in ...

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Address: Praha 6, Uralská 690/9 Dr. Milada Šámalová b. Cebeová was born on 11 April in 1906. Her parents were the doctor Jindřich Cebe (1870-1953) and Antonia b. Feyrerová (1874-1953). She completed a doctorate and married the insectologist Jaromír Šámal (see above), son of Přemysl Šámal and Anna Šámalová. She ...

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Address: Praha 6, Uralská 690/9 Inscription: ZDE ŽIL RNDR. JAROMÍR ŠÁMAL, nar. 1900 ZATČEN 1942, POPRAVEN 5.6.1942 V PRAZE Arested in 1942, Executed 5.6.1842 in Prague

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Address: Praha 1, Celetná 592/23, v chodníku před vchodem do domu Inscription: ZDE BYDLEL OSKAR SWARZKOPF, NAR. 1883 DEPORTOVÁN 1942, DO TEREZÍNA, ZAVRAŽDĚN V OSVĚTIMI

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Umístění: Praha 8, Sokolovská 449/129, Karlín, (2010) Markéta Süssmannová née Fischl, also Margarethe or Gretel, was born on 3 July 1900. Her parents were Karl Fischl (1864-1906) and Kamilla née Kuh (born 1879). She had a brother, Hugo (born 1899). She was married to David Süssmann. The couple had at ...

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Address: Praha 8, Sokolovská 449/129, Karlín, (2010) David Süssmann, also Sussmann or Zisman, was born on 18 February 1893 in Budapest. His parents were Leo Süssmann (born on 26 July 1868) and Mina née Mayer (1869–1924). He had two sisters, Eugenie Jenny (born on 6 November 1895) and Yulia (born ...

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Address: Praha 10, Petrohradská 155/27 (2011) Valentina Straussová née Weisskopf was born in Morchenstern in 1874. She was the daughter of Yitzkhak Weisskopf and Matilda. She was a housewife and married to Gottlieb Strauss. The couple had at least three daughters, Herta, Adéla and Marta. On 16 November 1942 she ...

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