Categories ArchivesPraha


Address: Praha 2, Mánesova 45/1111, v chodníku před domem (2011) Born 15. 01. 1917 Last residence before deportation: Prague XII Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XII, Mánesova 45 Transport AAl, no. 526 (02. 07. 1942, Prague -> Terezín) Transport Dr, no. 2517 (15. 12. 1943, Terezín -> Auschwitz) ...

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Address: Praha 2, Chodská 3/1140, v chodníku před vchodem do domu, (2009) Inscription: ZDE BYDLELA MARTA GUTOVÁ, NAR. 1895 DEPORTOVÁNA 1942 DO TEREZÍNA, 1944 OSVĚTIMI, ZAVRAŽDĚNA Born 24. 02. 1895 Last residence before deportation: Prague XII Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XII, Grimmova 3 Transport AAr, no. 496 ...

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Address: Praha 2, Budečská 944/09, v chodníku před domem (2011) Inscription: ZDE ŽILA ANNA FÄRBEROVÁ, NAR. 1902 DEPORTOVÁNA 1942 DO TEREZÍNA, ZAVRAŽDĚNA V LUBLINU Born 04. 01. 1902 Last residence before deportation: Prague XII Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XII, Sázavská 7 Transport Am, no. 821 (24. 04. 1942, ...

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Address: Praha 1, Václavské náměstí 793/36, Nové město, (2011) Inscription: ZDE ŽILA MARIE ELIŠÁKOVÁ, NAR. 1883 DEPORTOVÁNA 1941 DO LODŽE. ZAVRAŽDĚNA TAMTÉŽ Born 08. 06. 1883 Last residence before deportation: Prague II Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague II, Václavské nám. 36 Transport D, no. 941 (31. 10. 1941, ...

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Address: Praha 2, Oldřichova 52/172, (2011) Edith Ehrlichová was born on 11 May 1928. Her last residence before deportation was Oldřichova 52 in Prague XIV. On 7 May 1942 she was deported from Prague to Theresienstadt concentration camp with Transport At. Her transport number was 179 of 1,001. Two days ...

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Address: Praha 3, Vinohradská 1899/112, Vinohrady, v chodníku před domem, (2010) Born 31. 03. 1917 Last residence before deportation: Prague XII Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XII, Schwerinova 112 Transport L, no. 255 (10. 12. 1941, Prague -> Terezín) Transport Ax, no. 310 (09. 05. 1942, Terezín -> ...

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Address: Praha 3, Vinohradská 1899/112, Vinohrady, v chodníku před domem, (2010) Born 05. 02. 1921 Last residence before deportation: Prague V Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague V, Sanytrová 12 Transport L, no. 294 (10. 12. 1941, Prague -> Terezín) Transport Ax, no. 311 (09. 05. 1942, Terezín -> ...

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Address: Prague 1, Jáchymova 27/4, v chodníku před vchodem do domu, (2008) Max Eckstein was born on 17 April 1896 in Liběchov. He was the son of Ferdinand and Julie Eckstein. He had seven siblings: Alois (1890-?), Arnošt (1891-1942), Anna Salus (1892-1942), Martha (1894-?), Emma (1898-?), Leo (1901-1941) and William ...

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Address: Praha 2, Budečská 944/09, v chodníku před domem Inscription: ZDE BYDLEL ALFRED DUB, NAR. 1885 DEPORTOVÁN 26.10.1841 DO LODŽE, ZAVRAŽDĚN Born 08. 01. 1885 Last residence before deportation: Prague XII Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XII, Sázavská 9 Transport C, no. 854 (26. 10. 1941, Prague -> ...

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Address: Praha 3, Libická 1918/6, chodník napravo od vchodu do domu Inscription: ZDE ŽIL JOSEF ČADA, NAR. 1896 DEPORTED 1941 TO MAUTHAUSENU, MURDERED 1942

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