Stolperstein für Gustav Fischl.jpgAddress: Krásova 447/33, Praha 3

Born 29. 04. 1892
Last residence before deportation: Prague XII
Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XII, Na Zájezdu 12
Transport AAw, no. 314 (03. 08. 1942, Prague -> Terezín)
Transport Bb, no. 522 (20. 08. 1942, Terezín -> Riga)
Gustav August Fischl was born on 29 April 1892 in Vlksice in the South Bohemian Region. His parents were Leopold Fischel (1840-1898) and Helene née Berger (1851-1937). He had twelve siblings, seven brothers and five sisters. He was married to Adéla née Mosauerová. The couple had two daughters, Inge (born 1929) and Hansi, also Hanička (born 1932). In the 1920s and early 1930s the family lived in the Rychnov u Jablonce nad Nisou – Liberec Region where there daughters were born. When they moved to Prague is not known. The last residence of the family before deportation was in Prague XII, Na Zájezdu 12. On 3 August 1942, Gustav August Fischl, his wife and their daughters were deported to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport AAw. His transport number was 314 of 1,001. After seventeen days there, the family was deported to Riga Ghetto by transport Bb. His transport number was 522 of 1,001.
There, father, mother and their daughters, age 10 and 13, were murdered by the Nazi regime.

Seven of his siblings were killed in the course of the Shoah. His brother Friedrich was shot in the woods on 9 November 1939 in the course of the Reichskristallnacht. His brother Richard was murdered in 1942 in Treblinka extermination camp. His sisters Albína and Ottilie, as well as Albína’s husband Hogo Bloch were murdered in July 1942 in Baranovichi. His sister Luisa was murdered in 1942 in an unknown location in Poland. His brother Emil and his wife Kamila were murdered in an unknown location after deportation to Ujazdów. His brother Arnold was murdered on 13 July 1944 in Łódź Ghetto. His mother-in-law Gisela Mosauerová was also murdered in 1942 in Treblinka.