Stolperstein für Adele Fischlova.jpgAddress: Krásova 447/33, Praha 3

Born 26. 02. 1899
Last residence before deportation: Prague XII
Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XII, Na Zájezdu 18
Transport AAw, no. 313 (03. 08. 1942, Prague -> Terezín)
Transport Bb, no. 521 (20. 08. 1942, Terezín -> Riga)

Adéla Fischlová née Mosauerová was born on 26 February 1899 in Karlovy Vary. Her parents were Rudolf Mosauer (1867-1934) and Gisela née Pächter (born on 5 September 1876). She had an older sister, Marta (born 1897). She was married to Gustav August Fischl. The couple had two daughters, Inge (born 1929) and Hansi, also Hanička (born 1932). The last residence of the family before deportation was in Prague XII, Na Zájezdu 12. On 3 August 1942, Adéla Fischlová, her husband and their daughters were deported to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport AAw. Her transport number was 313 of 1,001. After seventeen days there, the family was deported to Riga Ghetto by transport Bb. Her transport number was 521 of 1,001. There, father, mother and their daughters, age 10 and 13, were murdered by the Nazi regime.

Her mother was murdered in 1942 in Treblinka. Her sister Marta,first married to Dr.Otto Brunner, who died 1926, then married to Dr.Franz Ekstein, had two daughters: Eva Maria born 5 March 1920 and Lia born 15th February 1926. They all survived the holocaust. Marta died in London in 1944 aged 47. Her brother Rudolf was killed in 1942 after his deportation to Piaski. Her sister Mathilda and her husband Leopold Bunzl were both murdered in 1942 in Trawniki. Her half sister Katharina and her husband Rudolf Pollak were both murdered in 1944 in Auschwitz. The fate of her other siblings is unknown. Her second step mother Wilhelmina Pächter was killed on 25 September 1944 in Theresienstadt.