Address: Boleslavská 12, Prague 10

Born 14. 10. 1894
Last residence before deportation: Prague XII
Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XII, Boleslavská 12
Transport Cc, no. 718 (20. 11. 1942, Prague -> Terezín)
Transport Ek, no. 1927 (28. 09. 1944, Terezín -> Auschwitz)

Holocaust database

Dear Ida, dear God,

We admire your foresight in assessing the danger to your family, we admire your sacrifice in giving up your children in the hope of sparing them from the fate that the Holocaust would later bring. Your daughters received loving letters from you in England, full of humour and insight. Neither Alice nor Mimka could have known the hardships you faced at home. After the war, your daughters waited in vain, searched in vain for you. Your grandchildren, born in peacetime, longed in vain for their grandmother and grandfather.
Thank you and we remember.