Benefit Association for the Support of Individuals Affected by the Holocaust.
The association is founded for the purpose of publicly beneficial support in all aspects of and care for people affected by Holocaust with the aim to improve the quality of life of such persons especially in their elderly age, primarily supporting activities concentrating on securing care for such persons. The association is founded on voluntary basis and it is an independent non-political organization.
The Jewish Community of Prague (JCP) unites persons of Jewish religion, nationality or lineage who have a permanent residence in the sphere of JCP´s territorial authority or are in other kind of relation to Prague and who are not members of any other religious denominations or non-Jewish religious communities. The purpose and mission of JCP is to provide and ensure religious and cultural life of its members in the spirit of Czech Jewish traditions and help to secure their social and health needs.
The Federation of Jewish Communities serves as an umbrella organization for Jewish Communities and other Jewish institutions in the country. Currently, there are ten official Jewish Communities in Bohemia and Moravia with approximately 3,000 registered members of which 1,400 reside in Prague. There is a number of various Jewish “secular” organizations which fall under the auspices of the Federation, e.g.. Beit Praha, the open Jewish congregation gathering mostly ex-patriot Americans and other foreigners residing in Prague, Union of Jewish Youth, member of the World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS), sporting clubs Maccabi and Hakoach, WIZO, the Women’s Zionist Organization or the Terezín Initiative, gathering of Czech Holocaust survivors. Altogether these institutions associate approximately another 2,000 people, however, it is estimated that there are an additional 10 to 15,000 unregistered Jews in the country.
Foundation for Holocaust Victims.
. We care. We help elderly Holocaust survivors in their old age.
. We remember. We support educational and pious commemorative events remembering Holocaust victims.
. We think ahead. We help to preserve traditions – we support education about Judaism and the development of Jewish communities.
. We restore. We participate in the restoration of Jewish monuments destroyed by the Nazi and by Communist totalitarian regimes.
. We compensated. We helped to rectify and mitigate the property injustices caused during WWII.
DAP. a.s.
Provádíme rekonstrukce a údržbu pozemních komunikací na území Prahy a okolí. Nabízíme dlaždičsko-asfaltérské práce, rekonstrukce chodníků, dlažeb, pěších zón. Výstavbu a opravy chodníků, pěších zón, vozovek, pozemních komunikací. Asfaltérské práce včetně opravy výtluků silnic a vozovek. Firma DAP a.s. je zařazena do registru firem TSK hl. m. Prahy pro rekonstrukce a údržbu vozovek a chodníků.
Pomáháme instalovat Stolpersteine.
Dentons is the world’s largest law firm, delivering quality and value to clients around the globe. Dentons’ polycentric approach and world-class talent challenge the status quo to advance client interests in the communities in which we live and work. Its Prague office has around 70 lawyers including 16 partners. Dentons’ Prague office provides the Association for the Support of Persons Affected by the Holocaust with pro bono assistance with organizing and legal aspects of installation of stolpersteins in the Czech Republic.
Portal of Prague 2 Nové Město pražské, Vyšehrad, Královské Vinohrady, Nusle.
Prague is the capital city of the Czech Republic and the centre of politics, international relations, education, culture and the economy of the country. It is the seat of the supreme legislative, administrative and political bodies of the state.
Trevor Sage is a British expat living in Prague. He started cleaning the cities Stolpersteine, memorials dedicated to victims of Nazism, in 2018, after learning about them on a tour of Prague’s Jewish Quarter. Prague’s first Stolperstein was installed on 8 October 2008. The city’s 400th was laid on 22 June 2021.
Sage compiled this book as a tribute to the victims. It brings together: photographs of the Stolpersteine; portrait pictures of the person, and information about their deportation(s); touching stories about victims’ lives are included, many written by relatives who have kindly contributed to this book.