Address: Biskupcova 1766/13, Praha 3
Ludvík Roubiček was born on 27 June 1899. His last residence before deportation was in Prague XI, Cimburkova 20. On 20 November 1942, he was deported from Prague to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport Cc. His transport number was 109 of 1,002. There he was interred for nearly two years. On 29 September 1944, he was deported to Auschwitz concentration camp by transport El. His transport number was 158 of 1,500. He was murdered by the Nazi regime.
At the same address, Dagmar and Irena Roubícková were registered. Both survived the Shoah. It is not known in which relation the ladies stood with Ludvík Roubiček.