Address: Praha 4, Dostojevského 931/5, (2010)
Born 27. 04. 1933
Last residence before deportation: Modřany
Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Brno
Transport Ck, no. 932 (22. 12. 1942, Prague -> Terezín)
Transport En, no. 260 (04. 10. 1944, Terezín -> Auschwitz)
Zuzinka Freundová, also known as Zuzana, was born on 27 April 1933. She was the daughter of Walter Freund and Valerie née Stern. Together with her mother she was deported on 22 December 1942 with transport Ck to Theresienstadt concentration camp. Her transport number was 932 of 1005. On 4 October 1944 she was deported with transport En to Auschwitz concentration camp. Her transport number was 260 of 1500. The eleven-year-old girl and her mother were both murdered in Auschwitz.