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Address: Praha 10, Petrohradská 155/27, Vršovice, (2011) Adéla Weichbrodová née Straussová was born on 21 Juni 1901 in Chřibská. Her parents were Gottlieb Strauss and Valentina née Weisskopf. She married Markus Mechel Weichbrod and was a housewife. The couple had one son, Kurt, born in 1930. On 24 April 1942 ...

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Address: Praha 10, Petrohradská 155/27, Vršovice, (2011) Kurt Weichbrod was born on 12 August 1930. His grand mother was Valenina Straussová, his parents were Markus Weichbrod and Adela née Straussová. On 24 April 1942 he and his parents were deported with transport Am from Prague to Theresienstadt concentration camp. His ...

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Address: Praha 10, Petrohradská 155/27, Vršovice, (2011) Markus Mechel Weichbrod was born on 24 December 1896. He married Adela née Straussová. The couple had one son, Kurt, born in 1930. On 24 April 1942 he, his wife and his son were deported with transport Am from Prague to Theresienstadt concentration ...

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Address: Praha 1, Politických vězňů 4, na chodníku před vchodem do domu (2011) Inscription: ZDE ŽIL JOSEF WALDMANN, NAR.1894 DEPORTOVÁNA 1944 DO TEREZÍNA, ZAVRAŽDĚN 23.2.1945 V DACHAU Josef Waldmann – Born 21.8.1894

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Address: Praha 10, Slovinská 1041/6 (2011) Kamila Voglová was born on 3 February 1910 in Prague. Her parents were Emanuel Vogl and Regina née Fuchsová. He had at least two siblings, sister Anna and brother Rudolf. The family moved to Prague somewhere between 1907 and 1910. She worked as a ...

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Address: Praha 10, Slovinská 760/17 (2011) Anna Voglová was born on 1 May 1899 in Radějovice u Netonic. Her parents were Emanuel Vogl and Regina née Fuchsová. She had at least two siblings, brother Rudolf and sister Kamila. The family moved to Prague before 1910. Her sister was already born ...

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Address: Praha 1, Senovážná 6/996, Nové Město, v chodníku před domem, (2010) Inscription: ZDE BYDLEL JINDŘICH URBACH, NAR. 1873 DEPORTOVÁN 1941 DO LODŽE, ZAVRAŽDĚN 1942 TAMTÉŽ Born 26. 06. 1873 Last residence before deportation: Prague II Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague II, Senovážná 6 Transport B, no. 904 ...

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Address: Praha 1, Senovážná 6/996, Nové Město, v chodníku před domem, (2010) Inscription: ZDE BYDLELA MELANIE URBACHOVÁ, NAR. 1877 DEPORTOVÁNA 1941 DO LODŽE, ZAVRAŽDĚNA 1942 TAMTÉŽ Born 03. 12. 1877 Last residence before deportation: Prague II Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague II, Senovážná 6 Transport B, no. 905 ...

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Address: Praha 1, Senovážná 6/996, Nové Město, v chodníku před domem, (2010) Inscription: ZDE BYDLEL JAN URBACH, NAR. 1905 DEPORTOVÁN 1941 DO LODŽE, ZAVRAŽDĚN 1942 TAMTÉŽ Born 26. 01. 1905 Last residence before deportation: Prague II Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague II, Senovážná 6 Transport B, no. 903 ...

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Address: Praha 10, Slovinská 1041/6 (2011) Rudolf Vogl was born on 1 October 1907 in Radějovice u Netonic. His parents were Emanuel Vogl and Regina née Fuchsová. He had at least two sisters, Anna and Kamila. The family moved to Prague before 1910. His younger sister was already born there. ...

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