Categories ArchivesPraha


Address: Prague 3, Hradecká 1291/20 Born: 1896 DEPORTED 1942 TO TEREZÍN MORDERED 1944 IN Auschwitz Rodina Nettlova byli pratelé rodičů mé matky Dr.phil. Jindrich Jüthner  a Růženy Jüthnerove (roz. Votické) Její rodiče Jana a Bernard Votický byli zavraždeni v Terezíně, žili v Kutné Hoře a  pro ně byly uloženy první ...

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Address: Prague 3, Radhošťská 3 Born 24. 07. 1881 Last residence before deportation: Prague XII Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XII, Radhošťská 3 Transport At, no. 650 (07. 05. 1942, Prague -> Terezín) Transport Ax, no. 650 (09. 05. 1942, Terezín -> Sobibór, Ossowa) Murdered Ida Kohnová | Database of ...

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Address: Prague 3, Radhošťská 3 Born 02. 07. 1886 Last residence before deportation: Prague XII Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XII, Radhošťská 3 Transport At, no. 651 (07. 05. 1942, Prague -> Terezín) Transport Ax, no. 651 (09. 05. 1942, Terezín -> Sobibór, Ossowa) Murdered Rudolf Kohn | Database of ...

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Address: Prague 2, Šumavská 24 Born 25. 01. 1883 Last residence before deportation: Prague XII Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XII, Šumavská 24 Transport AAr, no. 231 (16. 07. 1942, Prague -> Terezín) Transport Bw, no. 1146 (19. 10. 1942, Terezín -> Treblinka) Murdered Malvína Kohnová | Database of victims ...

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Address: Prague 2, Šumavská 24 Born 19. 04. 1871 Last residence before deportation: Prague XII Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague XII, Šumavská 24 Transport AAr, no. 232 (16. 07. 1942, Prague -> Terezín) Transport Bw, no. 1145 (19. 10. 1942, Terezín -> Treblinka) Murdered Viktor Kohn | Database of victims ...

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Address: Rybná 11/681, Prague 1, (2008) Born 13. 03. 1882 Last residence before deportation: Prague I Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague I, Rybná 11 Transport X, no. 524 (12. 02. 1942, Prague -> Terezín) Transport An, no. 543 (25. 04. 1942, Terezín -> Warsaw) Murdered

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Address: Rybná 2/668, Prague 1, (2008) Helena Winterová née Popperová was born on 26 February 1904. Her last residence before deportation was in Prague XIX, Na Kodymce 35. On 22 December 1942, she was deported to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport Ck. Her transport number was 225 of 1,005. One ...

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Address: Prague 8, Thamova 132/28 (2020) Born 04. 04. 1882 Last residence before deportation: Prague X Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague X, Nymburská 28 Murdered 03. 09. 1943 Auschwitz  

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