Categories ArchivesPraha


Radhoštská 1940/6, Praha 3 (2012) Olga Soyková née Taussig was born in 1895 in Prague. Her parents were Leopold Taussig and Wilhelmine née Freund. She was married to Adolf Soyka. In 1942, the couple were deported in 1942 to Theresienstadt concentration camp. After two and a half years they were ...

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Radhoštská 1940/6, Praha 3 (2012) Adolf Soyka was born on 14 April 1891. He was married to Olga née Taussig. The last residence of the couple before deportation was in Prague XII. On 8 February 1942, he was deported from Prague to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport W. His transport ...

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Biskupcova 1766/13, Praha 3 Irena Roubícková was born on 23 December 1928. On 6 March 1943, she was deported from Prague to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport Cv. Her transport number was 150. There she was interred for more than 18 months. On 6 October 1944, she was deported to ...

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Biskupcova 1766/13, Praha 3 Ludvík Roubiček was born on 27 June 1899. His last residence before deportation was in Prague XI, Cimburkova 20. On 20 November 1942, he was deported from Prague to Theresienstadt concentration camp by transport Cc. His transport number was 109 of 1,002. There he was interred ...

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Krásova 447/33, Praha 3 Gisela Mosauerová née Pächter was born on 5 September 1876 in Karlovy Vary. Her parents were Adolf Pächter (1845-1915) and Martha née Herschel (ca. 1857-1890). She had three siblings and four half siblings of later marriages of her father. She married Rudolf Mosauer (1867-1934). The couple ...

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Address: Krásova 447/33, Praha 3 Inge Fischlová was born on 28 May 1929 in Liberec. Her parents were Gustav Fischl and Adéla née Mosauerová. She had an younger sister, Hansi (born 1932). The sisters grew up in Czechoslovakia, and when their Grandfather died they moved with their parents to Carlsbad/Karlovy ...

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Address: Krásova 447/33, Praha 3 Hansi Fischlová, also Hanička, was born on 13 June 1932 in Jablonec nad Nisou. Her parents were Gustav Fischl and Adéla née Mosauerová. She had an older sister, Inge (born 1929). The sisters grew up in Czechoslovakia and when their Grandfather died they moved with ...

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Address: Krásova 447/33, Praha 3 Adéla Fischlová née Mosauerová was born on 26 February 1899 in Karlovy Vary. Her parents were Rudolf Mosauer (1867-1934) and Gisela née Pächter (born on 5 September 1876). She had an older sister, Marta (born 1897). She was married to Gustav August Fischl. The couple ...

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Address: Krásova 447/33, Praha 3 Gustav August Fischl was born on 29 April 1892 in Vlksice in the South Bohemian Region. His parents were Leopold Fischel (1840-1898) and Helene née Berger (1851-1937). He had twelve siblings, seven brothers and five sisters. He was married to Adéla née Mosauerová. The couple ...

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