Herrmann Helena PavelMAddress: PLAVECKÁ 8, PRAGUE 2Helena Herrmannova (Helen Lewis)

BORN 1916


Survived Death March – liberated 13 March 1945, Married (2) Harry Lewy (Lewis) in Prague 16 June 1947
Emigrated to United Kingdom November 1947
Died as Helen Lewis, 31 December 2009 in Belfast, Northern Ireland
Dancer, choreographer teacher, writer; mother and grand-mother

Helly Herrmannová, born Katz, survived. In 1947 she married Harry Lewy, a friend from Trautenau/Trutnov and moved to Northern Ireland. In 1949 she became Helen Lewis. She became a mother, grand-mother and mother-in-law. She returned to her career as a dancer, choreographer and teacher. Her experiences of her early life are recorded in her memoir, A Time to Speak, published in Czech in 1999 as Přišel Ċas Promluvit. She lived a rich and full life. In her later years she enjoyed wide recognition for the contribution to the Arts and the wider community in her new homeland. She died in 2009 at the age of 93. She is fondly remembered in Ireland and commemorated at an Arts Centre Dance Studio in Belfast named in her memory.

Her fulfilled life is a reminder of the two other lives cut short and remembered today by these Stolpersteine. They are a rebuke to forgetfulness and  reminder of what might have been.