Categories ArchivesPraha


Address: Praha 1, Elišky Krásnohorské 11/4 (2012) Šarlota Žížalová née Freudenfeldová, also Charlota, was born on 7 or 17 December 1911 in Mostar. She was the daughter of Sigmund Vítězslav Freudenfeld and Adéla born Marmorstein. She had four brothers (Josef, Rudolf, Gustav and Emil) and two sisters (Margit and Elsa). ...

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Address: Praha 1, Elišky Krásnohorské 11/4 (2012) Mirek Žížala was born in 1938. He was the son of Šarlota Žížalová née Freudenfeldová and the grandson of Adéla Freudenfeldová. Šarlota Žížalová and her son were deported in 1942 to Theresienstadt concentration camp and thereafter to Auschwitz concentration camp where both were ...

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Address: Praha 2, Anny Letenské 34/7, v chodníku před domem (2011) Born 28. 09. 1930 Last residence before deportation: Prague II Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague II, Krakovská 13 Transport V, no. 966 (30. 01. 1942, Prague -> Terezín) Transport Et, no. 524 (23. 10. 1944, Terezín -> ...

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Address: Praha 2, Anny Letenské 34/7, (2011) Born 01. 07. 1904 Last residence before deportation: Prague II Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague II, Krakovská 13 Transport V, no. 964 (30. 01. 1942, Prague -> Terezín) Transport Em, no. 926 (01. 10. 1944, Terezín -> Auschwitz) Murdered 09. 03. ...

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Address: Praha 1, Pařížská 1075/5 Lore Winternitzová née Banasch was born on 17 May 1904 in Hannover. She married Rudolf Winternitz (1901-1984). The couple had a son called Štěpán Michael, who was born in 1935. Her last known address in Prague was Norimberská 5. On 20 November 1942 she was ...

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Address: Praha 1, Pařížská 1075/5 Štěpán Michael Winternitz was born on 13 October 1935. He was the son of Rudolf Winternitz (later Vihan, 1901-1984) and Lore Winternitzová. His last known address in Prague was Norimberská 5. On 20 November 1942 he was deported to Theresienstadt concentration camp, together with his ...

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Address: Praha 1, Ovocný trh 580/2, v chodníku před vchodem do domu (2008) Inscription: ZDE ŽILA HELENA WINTEROVÁ, ROZ. POPPEROVÁ, NAR. 1904 DEPORTOVÁNA 1942 DO TEREZÍNA, ZAVRAŽDĚNA V OSVĚTIMI Helena Winterová née Popperová was born on 26 February 1904. Her last residence before deportation was in Prague XIX, Na Kodymce 35. ...

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Address: Praha 8, Sokolovská 75/103, Karlín, (2011) Oskar Wiener was born on 4 March 1873 in Prague. His parents were Ignaz Wiener (died on 18 November 1908) and Emma née Wien (born 1846, died on 20 February 1908). He had a brother, named Paul. His last residence before deportation was ...

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Address: Praha 7, Schnirchova 1353/7, (2011) Katharina Wienerová née Schwarzová was born 10 July 1889 in Tullnerbach-Pressbaum close to Vienna. Her parents were Emil Schwarz and Ida née Mauthner. She was married to Ing. Eugen Wiener. The couple had at least one son, Robert. The last residence of the couple ...

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Address: Praha 7, Schnirchova 1353/7, (2011) Ing. Eugen Wiener, also Evžen, was born on 14 August 1878 i Opava in the Moravian-Silesian Region. His parents were Gustav Wiener and Katharina née Toch. He had at least two brothers, Artur (born 1884) and Victor (born about 1888). He was married to ...

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