Categories ArchivesPraha


Address: Praha 4, Lopatecká 161/17, Podolí, (2011) Hanuš Kaufmann, also Hans Kaufman, was born on 20 April 1917 in Prague. He was the son of Hugo Kaufmann and Olga née Ehrmann. He had two older brothers, Bedřich (born 1911) and Robert (born 1913). He was a clerk and single. His ...

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Address: Praha 4, Lopatecká 161/17, Podolí, (2011) Robert Kaufmann was born 1913. He was the son of Hugo Kaufmann and Olga née Ehrmann. He had two brothers, Bedřich (born 1911) and Hanuš (born 1917). He was an industrialist and married. His last residence before deportation was in Prague XII, Lucemburská ...

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Address: Praha 4, Lopatecká 161/17, Podolí, (2011) Bedřich Kaufmann was born on 25 November 1911 in Prague. His first name is also written Bedrikh or in the German version Friedrich. He was the son of Hugo Kaufmann and Olga née Ehrmann. He had two younger brothers: Robert (born 1913) and ...

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Address: Praha 4, Lopatecká 161/17, Podolí, (2011) Olga Kaufmannová née Ehrmann was born on 14 February 1886 in Osek, Písek District. She was the daughter of Sigmund or Zigmund Ehrmann (1854-1935) and Julia née Kafka, also Julie or Yulia (1854-1939). She had two brothers and three sisters: Martha (later named ...

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Address: Praha 4, Lopatecká 161/17, Podolí, (2011) Hugo Kaufmann was born on 3 June 1883 in Ratková, Banská Bystrica Region. His parents were Adolf and Regina Kaufmann. He had at least one sister, Olga, later named Bodo. He was an industrialist and married Olga née Ehrmann. The couple had at ...

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Address: Prague 1, Dlouhá 733/29, v chodníku před vchodem do domu, (2009) Inscription: ZDE BYDLELA KAMILA KATZOVÁ. NAR. 1923, DEPORTOVÁNA 1942 DO TEREZÍNA ZAVRAŽDĚNA Born 04. 06. 1923 Last residence before deportation: Prague I Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague I, Dlouhá 29 Transport Au, no. 279 (12. 05. ...

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Address: Prague 1, Dlouhá 733/29, v chodníku před vchodem do domu, (2009) Inscription: ZDE BYDLEL HANUŠ KATZ, NAR. 1924 DEPORTOVÁN 1942, DO TEREZÍNA, ZAVRAŽDĚN V MAJDANKU Born 07. 10. 1924 Last residence before deportation: Prague I Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague I, Dlouhá 29 Transport Au, no. 278 (12. ...

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Address: Praha 1, Dlouhá 733/29, v chodníku před vchodem do domu, (2009) Inscription: ZDE BYDLEL ROBERT KATZ, NAR. 1891 DEPORTOVÁN 1942 DO TEREZÍNA, ZAVRAŽDĚN V MAJDANKU Born 17. 05. 1891 Last residence before deportation: Prague I Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague I, Dlouhá 29 Transport Au, no. 276 (12. ...

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Address: Prague 1, Dlouhá 733/29, v chodníku před vchodem do domu, (2009) Inscription: ZDE BYDLELA ZDĚNKA KATZOVÁ, NAR. 1891 DEPORTOVÁNA 1942, DO TEREZÍNA, ZAVRAŽDĚNA Born 21. 04. 1891 Last residence before deportation: Prague I Address/place of registration in the Protectorate: Prague I, Dlouhá 29 Transport Au, no. 277 (12. 05. ...

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Address: Praha 3, Kouřimská 6, Inscription: ZDE ŽILA MILENA JESENSKÁ, NAR. 1898 ZATČENA 1939, ZAVRAŽDĚNA 17.5.1944 V RAVENSBRÜCKU After the occupation of Czechoslovakia by the German army, Jesenská joined an underground resistance movement and helped many Jewish and political refugees to emigrate. She herself decided to stay, however, despite the consequences. ...

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